In-app purchases

In-app purchases are based on 30 days of order usage. You buy as much as you need. So you don't have to pay more. For your trial period, 400 order lines valid for 30 days will be added to your account at the first installation.

What does mean the order line?

It is each line you add to the order. The quantity and amount in the line are not important. You can review the examples below.

3 order lines

6 order lines

How does the purchasing process take place?

Purchases are made only through the Google Play Store. You share your payment method and information only with Google Play Store. We cannot have access to them.

If you live in a country other than the US, your credit card may need to be available for international use.

The purchase is start from the application (Didan pos => Restaurant Account => Buy new order lines). Then you will see the prices on the lines. When you touch a line, a dialog box of Google Play Store will open. And after your confirmation, the purchase will take place here. The purchasing process is completely under your control.

You can use the order lines you purchased for 30 days. It expires when you have consumed the order lines or 30 days have passed. For example, order lines purchased on July 3 can be used until August 2 (July is 31 days). You can purchase new order lines before existing order lines expire.

Countries have different tax rates and different currencies. For this reason, it is not possible to write prices here. Please look at the prices from the application.


• Do I need to purchase separately for each device?
No, it is enough for the restaurant owner to purchase from a single device.

• Do I lose the order lines that I do not use at the end of 30 days?
Yes, you will lost it. Buy as much as you need.

• Why not the orders, why the order lines?
Some restaurants using 8 lines for an order, others some restaurants using only 2 lines. In this respect, it is not fair to be on the order basis.

• I bought. Why can't I see it in the app?
Status may be pending payment. Google play handles in-app purchases. You will receive an email from Google Play upon successful purchase.
Follow the steps below to check your purchases:
* Open the Google Play Store application on your mobile device where you made the purchase.
* Tap the icon with your picture or your initial in the top right.
* Tap "Payment and subscriptions"
* Tap "Budget and history"
Sometimes the status of purchases can be "Payment pending". This means; Google play has not yet charged your payment method. In this case, you need check again later. Pending payments are either approved or canceled depending on the status of your payment method. This can happen more often if you live in India.

• Why are there only 30-day options?
Due to the pandemic, restaurants in many countries often take a break from their work. Longer-term purchases may be against restaurants in pandemic conditions.
We're considering adding other options later.

• How many lines should I buy for 30 days?
Below the list of prices, there is an option where you can see the current monthly usage. You can check before you buy.

If you are a restaurant new to the app, you can enter daily orders with 400 free lines provided by the app. You can calculate your 30-day usage with your 1-day usage.

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